Something about me…

On my path to understanding the ways and why’s of life, I stumbled across Reiki which became part of my healing journey. I have always been eager to question the universe and why things are the way they are. Through every stage of my life I’ve always pushed to understand and unlock the discovering to my own answers. It was not until a personal life changing event, that I became curious to re-examine my long held beliefs and shift my perspective opening me up towards a spiritual path.

Days after the passing of my father, the signs and synchronicities of the universe connecting with me begin to present themselves. Making me aware of the interconnectivity of all living things and sources of energy. Wanting to further understand, I was introduced to a number of spiritual teacher who helped me on personal journey of spirituality. Personally, I chose to continue to strengthen my connection with the universe using Reiki healing. My primary reason being that it seemed to be the only healing method that helped my father during his time of pain. After seeing this impact on him, and personally experiencing the benefits myself, it became my intention to follow this path of reiki and heal others. Knowing that my father would feel pride about the path I have chosen.

It is commonly stated that we heal oneself through healing others! My main purpose is to heal one soul at a time, in hopes that they will share the impact of healing with others. Along with honouring my father. Join me in honouring ourselves in healing together!

— Raveen